Modo n.º56 – CSB n.º29(i)

Generative and participatory wall painting Modo n.º56
And composition on building (interior) CSB n.º29
Évariste Gallois Junior High-School, Montauban de Bretagne, France
February and May 2024

Project commissioned and organized by Teenage Kicks with the Ille-et-Vilaine department.



First phase with 170 participants, February 2024:

    • Walkthrough around the college and collection of geometric shapes from the building’s architecture.
    • Work on generative art, development of the protocol, and coding workshop using Scratch.
    • Generative painting Modo n.º56 in the art class hallway.


Finished wall:

Second phase, May 2024:

Mural composition CSB n.º29(i) developed with the geometric shapes selected by the participants.

A big thank to Mathias, Amélie, Érine, Claire, and all the students.