Le Dédale

Le Dédale, art circuit in the public space
Belvès, Dordogne, France, 06/2016

When I was offered to participate in the Dédale in Belvès, I went strolling the street of the village to find ideas and ways to intervene in it. Used to work in cities, to create in the streets of such a charming and harmonious little village was for me a real challenge. Quickly, I noticed the presence of a lot of unoccupied houses with windows blocked with wooden planks. I had the idea to intervene directly on these planks and old shutters to highlight the buildings without denaturing them, without touching their stones. To paint on these ephemeral supports, marginal witnesses of an interrupted activity, provides them with a certain dignity and gives them back an honorable role in the city: support for a works of art.


Venturing Beyond

Somerset House
London, U.K.
Exhibition curated by A by P
3 March – 2 May 2016

Four 15′ walking performances
Black ink on 285 g. Fabriano Rosaspina paper 100 x 70 cm, 2′ video


  1. The participant of the action selects an area of public space and defines a specific time period.
  2. The perimeter of this predefined space is then circled in a clockwise fashion.
  3. When an outsider visible to the participant enters the perimeter, the participant must immediately attempt to reach the outsider’s point of intrusion.
  4. If the perimeter is further breached  during the attempt to reach the initial intruder’s entry point, this subsequent point becomes the new target.
  5. Once an intrusion point is reached, the participant continues circling the perimeter until either a further intruder enters or the time limit is reached.
  6. Finally a drawing is generated; a testimony to the footpath experience.


Modo n.º2

Generative and participative painting
Cité Brûlard (the “408”)
Besançon, France 03/2016

9 days and 125 participants – project organized by Juste Ici part of a CLEA (local contract of artistic education) with la Butte and la Grette schools.

Thanks to the whole Juste Ici team, to the volunteers (Fany and Sandrine), to the MJC Grette-Butte, to the 408 residents, to the teachers of la Butte and la Grette schools and most of all to the 125 children who participated in the painting.

Pictures by Fany and Eltono

RUFO Project

Rudimentary Unidentified Frictional Object
Artmossphere Biennale
Moscow 09/2014

I have been doing research around the idea of “creating while walking” for a long time now (see the Promenades Project I did in Beijing: www.eltono.com/en/projects/promenades), my last idea was to register friction during a walk and I came up with the idea of RUFO – RUFO is a typical dog name in French and also the name of a toy dog that was released in the 80´s. I decided the four letters would stand for “Rudimentary Unidentified Frictional Object”.

Basically, I wanted to drag an artwork along a defined path and register the way it decays. I was doing tests around this idea when I was asked to participate in Artmossphere Biennial in Moscow so I decided to do the first RUFO experiment in the street of the Russian capital. I painted 11 wood boards with bold colored graphics and one by one dragged them around the city on different paths I had selected earlier (around the exhibition space, in random neighborhood, around the Red Square, around the hotel…). Each walk was between one and two kilometers, except for RUFO #9 where I walked for 2,5 kilometers and the painting almost disappeared entirely. Having the artwork interacting with the outside was crucial – showing artworks in the state they came out of the studio doesn’t interest me – my idea was to “print” the city onto each board turning them into witnesses of a walk, an experience. On the back of each board I showed the map of the walk and all the data generated (date, time, duration, distance and name of the streets wandered) – note that during the biennial, I showed reproductions of the back of the boards on spare boards for the people to understand better the story.

Pictures by Natalia Solovieva – Thanks to everybody at Artmosspere and to the people from Codered.

Promenades Journal

Ongoing project
November 2013 – today

The Promenades Project is about walking, observation and spontaneity. It’s about wandering in the city with no pressure, no time limit, no goal apart from walking and enjoying it. It’s about walking with total freedom of time and space to be able to do all that things that you always want to do but you don’t because you have no time. It’s about moving crosscurrent in the city with time for contemplation to be able to observe details that most people don’t notice.



Rule #1: Walk and, if possible, create something on the way.
Rule #2: Only use material found during the walk – the only material I allow myself to bring is for
documentation (notebook, phone, camera) and a bag.
Rule #3: Only execute ideas created during the walk – or a predecessor walk.
Rule #4: Enjoy the walk.

This journal is a straight chronological transcription of what happened during each walk.


On going project – Eggshell stickers and fadeproof marker

The Frieze

Chkondideli neighborhood
Rustavi, Georgia
October 3rd – October 11th 2013

Project curated by Tamara Bokuchava (www.socialphotocaucasus.org) and Nini Palavandishvili (www.geoair.blogspot.com) with the support of EU delegation to Georgia and Internews Georgia.

Panoramic animation (pass your mouse over the image to move it).

Based on the idea of a running frieze that would tie the neighborhood together, I painted each individual spot envisioning a design that would run from door to door. At first I thought we would ask the people and then paint, but actually the project turned out differently. The first door I decided to paint was the entrance of an abandoned house so we decided to paint it without asking permission. While I was painting this first door, locals who were passing by asked us what we were doing and started to spontaneously offer their own doors. At that point I decided that it would make more sense to just follow the flow of people offering their doors – that way I wouldn’t control the way the frieze was growing in and around the neighborhood.

Rustavi is the fourth largest city in Georgia. During the second half of the 20th century, the city was rebuilt by the Russians as an important industrial center with around 90 factories implanted on its territory. Chkondideli, the neighborhood where we worked, used to be a dormitory neighborhood for immigrants working at these factories. After 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, almost all the factories were closed down and the unemployment rate jumped to 65%. Today only two factories are still in use.


Process pictures (by Tamara Bokuchava):

Pictures by Tamara Bokuchava and Eltono.
Thanks Tamara, Nini, Data, Manu, everyone who helped to accomplish the project and of course all the residents from Chkondideli.

One Minute Before

Since I started painting geometric shapes using masking tape I have always found the moment right before pulling the tape off very interesting. At first, it looks a bit uncontrolled and messy but with a closer look, you can already begin to see an organized structure among the chaos of the tape and paint. Because painting in the street (for obvious reasons) has to be a quick action, this moment where the paint and the tape exist simultaneously is always extremely short. The idea for this new series called “One Minute Before” is to generate a collection of drawings based on the re-creation of this brief moment just before the tape is pulled off and the painting is revealed – a moment that, apart from myself, very few people have ever seen. All the drawings are based on real paintings that exist or have existed in the street, most of them painted illegally.

The first three drawings of this series were created in Beijing in June 2013 using pencil, acrylic and watercolor on paper.

This new series of work was presented to the public for the first time during the Wooster Collective 10th Anniversary Show at the Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York in August of 2013.

To ask about availability and prices of these artworks, please write an email to: artworks@eltono.com