Modo n.º10

Generative and participative painting
Youth Center, Grésilles neighborhood
Dijon, France 07/2016

2 days and 25 participants – project organized by Zutique Productions and part of a 3 week residence in the Grésilles neighborhood. Painting directed by Pierre-Loup Vasseur.

Modo n.º8

Generative and participative painting
Foyer Herriot
Dijon, France 07/2016

2 days and 15 participants – project organized by Zutique Productions and part of a 3 week residence in the Grésilles neighborhood.

Modo n.º6

Generative and participative painting
EACC, Contemporary art Center of Castellon
Castellon, Spain 10/2016

5 days and 43 participants – project curated by Pascual Arnal for the EACC with the participation of the School of Art i Superior de Disseny and the high schools of La Plana (Castellon) and el Broch i Llop (Villareal).

Photos by Pascual Arnal and Eltono.

Modo n.º5

Generative and participative painting
Clemenceau Park
Dijon, France 06/2016

5 days and 87 participants – project organized by the Acodege Cultural Center and financed by the Commission de Quartier Clemenceau and the city of Dijon.


Venturing Beyond

Somerset House
London, U.K.
Exhibition curated by A by P
3 March – 2 May 2016

Four 15′ walking performances
Black ink on 285 g. Fabriano Rosaspina paper 100 x 70 cm, 2′ video


  1. The participant of the action selects an area of public space and defines a specific time period.
  2. The perimeter of this predefined space is then circled in a clockwise fashion.
  3. When an outsider visible to the participant enters the perimeter, the participant must immediately attempt to reach the outsider’s point of intrusion.
  4. If the perimeter is further breached  during the attempt to reach the initial intruder’s entry point, this subsequent point becomes the new target.
  5. Once an intrusion point is reached, the participant continues circling the perimeter until either a further intruder enters or the time limit is reached.
  6. Finally a drawing is generated; a testimony to the footpath experience.

Modo n.º2

Generative and participative painting
Cité Brûlard (the “408”)
Besançon, France 03/2016

9 days and 125 participants – project organized by Juste Ici part of a CLEA (local contract of artistic education) with la Butte and la Grette schools.

Thanks to the whole Juste Ici team, to the volunteers (Fany and Sandrine), to the MJC Grette-Butte, to the 408 residents, to the teachers of la Butte and la Grette schools and most of all to the 125 children who participated in the painting.

Pictures by Fany and Eltono

Modo n.º1

Generative and participative painting
Les Grésilles Market
Dijon, France 03/2016

4 days and 30 participants – project organized by Zutique with the participation of the children from the MJC and the social center of the Grésilles neighborhood.

Le Havre Biennale

4th Biennale d’Art Contemporain
Le Havre, France
September 28th 2012 – May 15th 2013
Directed by Linda Morren and curated by Kevin Grottaglia

Signalétique Libre

I built the Signalétique Libre (free signage) installation exclusively for the Le Havre Contemporary Art Biennial. It will be exhibited on the Jules Ferry square until May 15th 2013.

My idea was to take advantage of the location, a wide open space and very transited – which means a significant pedestrian flow and enough wind – to do a mobile installation. The work was conceived around an idea I have already worked with several times: give the spectator, each time they see the artwork, the possibility to see new compositions. Signalétique Libre questions urban visual communication – very direct, concise and at times even alienating – concentrating in the same reduced space 20 signs with abstract designs, without any intelligible message, that remained in constant motion. The pedestrian is free to interpret what the signs want to communicate or indicate, an open space for the viewer to stop receiving messages and perhaps start to emit them.

Exterior pictures by Mikaël Lesueur

Thanks to Linda Morren, Kevin Grottaglia, Mikaël, Paul and all the crew at the Musée Maritime et Portuaire du Havre.