Tampiquito, Monterrey, México
Abril – Mayo 2009
Proyecto comisariado por Nrmal y El Narval
Proyecto de residencia:
Del 1 de abril al 26 de mayo 2009
Exposición en La galería en el Taller Mecánico:
Del 21 de mayo al 7 de julio, Calle Plutarco Elias Calles #419, Colonia Tampiquito,
San Pedro, NL

I’ve been invited by Nrmal and El Narval to be the first artist to participate in Residencia Tampiquito, an artistic residency in a popular neighbourhood in San Pedro (Monterrey, Nuevo León, México). I lived and painted for two months in Tampiquito and at the end we opened an exhibition in a gallery to show the result of the residency.
I painted around 50 pieces on people’s houses, had a 10 years old best friend and assistant (because of the flu, the schools were closed so Javi my neighbors’ son was helping me to paint almost everyday!), had an incredible crew working with me sorting out photos, videos, press and BBQ’s and felt very sad when I had to go back home!
If by chance you are in Monterrey, download the map of the paintings here, print it and have a walk in the awesome Tampiquito neighbourhood!
One day while I was painting, an amazing cumbia was played from a huge pick-up parked next to me. I met the owner of the car, Raúl el Tamborín, and after offering me a couple of beers, he gave me the tape as a gift! Nrmal made a mixtape out of it so everybody can enjoy it: https://nrmal.net/blog/nrmal/residencia-tampiquito-mixtape!
The project had an incredible press coverage, you can check it here:
Thanks to: Lucas (Nrmal) and Luis (El Narval), Lalo, Samuel Catherine, Screw, Huizar, Maf, Malo, Angel, Lara, Telma, Paco, the Briones Morales family, Ofimodul, all my friends that helped and all Tampiquito residents!
Direct links to the picture galleries:
1 – Paintings pictures
2 – Exhibition pictures
3 – Opening pictures
4 – Extra pictures
Pictures of the street paintings:
(Volver arriba)
Pictures of the exhibition at La Galería en el Taller Mecánico:
For the inside part of the residency, I worked on an installation, some prints and 4 wood replicas of paintings originally done in the street. With the great help of Screw, Huizar and Paco we built up the installation inspired in Tampiquito “do it yourself” architecture with typical elements we found around the neighborhood.
The replicas were made of wood and are life-size reproductions of paintings number 5, 28, 36 and 46.
More pictures on the Nrmal website:
Expo Residencia Tampiquito : Eltono
(Volver arriba)
Pictures of the opening at La Galería en el Taller Mecánico:
(Volver arriba)
Extra pictures:
(Volver arriba)
Y así nació la CUADRIMETRÍA!
Pictures are from Eduardo Hernandez (Nrmal.net), Samuel Catherine, Lucas, Luis, Telma and Eltono.