Fault Lines

Galerie Slika 25 rue Auguste Compte, Lyon, France Juin 2019 Exposition en duo avec MOMO www.galerie-slika.com…


Momo y Luce entre otros. De esta forma su trabajo ha ido constituyéndose como uno de los referentes en el arte urbano español desde inicios de los noventa, en plena…


…9th – August 31st 2014 MOMO & Eltono Inspired by the nearby market and particularly its cleaning activity, we designed 6 shapes and made up a device to generate random…

Bien Urbain 2012

…France September 6th – October 6th 2012 Project in collaboration with MOMO This summer MOMO and I were invited to do our fourth collaboration together for the Bien Urbain festival…


…Project in collaboration with MOMO During summer 2011, I was invited to Leuven, Belgium, to participate in the first edition of Outomatic. This outdoor art festival was made possible by…


…July 2011 Mural project on a wall of the M van Museum; in collaboration with MOMO – The full documentation of our participation in the festival is available here: www.eltono.com/en/projects/tiensestraat…


…Project in collaboration with MOMO During summer 2011, I was invited to Leuven, Belgium, to participate in the first edition of Outomatic. This outdoor art festival was made possible by…

Modular Do Lage

…Brazil March 21st – April 30th 2011 Project in collaboration with MOMO www.vimeopro.com/rojo/nova-rio2011 In April 2011, I participated in Nova Rio Contemporary Culture, an event organized by Rojo in Rio…