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53 lines made of 5 points
Zestafoni, Georgia
October 15th – October 18th 2013
2,40 m. x 85 m.

This is the second time I ran this random wall painting experiment; it was executed for the first time – statically – in Bari, Italy and was called 8 Linee attraverso 4 Punti.

For this second attempt, the painting expanded to the right. Each line was made of 4 segments passing through 5 randomly positioned points on a plane (1,6 x 2,8 m. vertically centered on the wall). Once the X and Y coordinates were generated, the 5 points were marked on the wall, joined together from 1 to 5 and the segments were painted with one of the 8 randomly selected colors. Then the plane was moved 2/3 of its length to the right and the next set of segments was generated. In four days, we managed to paint 53 figures.

Panoramic animation (pass your mouse over the image to move it).

This project was made possible thanks to Zestafoni Ferroalloy Plant, Tamara Bokuchava (socialphotocaucasus.org), Nini Palavandishvili (geoair.blogspot.com) and George Okruashvili.


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On going project – Eggshell stickers and fadeproof marker

The Frieze

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Chkondideli neighborhood
Rustavi, Georgia
October 3rd – October 11th 2013

Project curated by Tamara Bokuchava (www.socialphotocaucasus.org) and Nini Palavandishvili (www.geoair.blogspot.com) with the support of EU delegation to Georgia and Internews Georgia.

Panoramic animation (pass your mouse over the image to move it).

Based on the idea of a running frieze that would tie the neighborhood together, I painted each individual spot envisioning a design that would run from door to door. At first I thought we would ask the people and then paint, but actually the project turned out differently. The first door I decided to paint was the entrance of an abandoned house so we decided to paint it without asking permission. While I was painting this first door, locals who were passing by asked us what we were doing and started to spontaneously offer their own doors. At that point I decided that it would make more sense to just follow the flow of people offering their doors – that way I wouldn’t control the way the frieze was growing in and around the neighborhood.

Rustavi is the fourth largest city in Georgia. During the second half of the 20th century, the city was rebuilt by the Russians as an important industrial center with around 90 factories implanted on its territory. Chkondideli, the neighborhood where we worked, used to be a dormitory neighborhood for immigrants working at these factories. After 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, almost all the factories were closed down and the unemployment rate jumped to 65%. Today only two factories are still in use.


Process pictures (by Tamara Bokuchava):

Pictures by Tamara Bokuchava and Eltono.
Thanks Tamara, Nini, Data, Manu, everyone who helped to accomplish the project and of course all the residents from Chkondideli.

Wooster Collective 10th Anniversary

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Jonathan Levine Gallery
525 W 22nd Street, New York, USA
7 August  – 24 august 2013
Curated by Marc and Sara Schiller

One Minute Before

Since I started painting geometric shapes using masking tape I have always found the moment right before pulling the tape off very interesting. At first, it looks a bit uncontrolled and messy but with a closer look, you can already begin to see an organized structure among the chaos of the tape and paint. Because painting in the street (for obvious reasons) has to be a quick action, this moment where the paint and the tape exist simultaneously is always extremely short. The idea for this new series called “One Minute Before” is to generate a collection of drawings based on the re-creation of this brief moment just before the tape is pulled off and the painting is revealed – a moment that, apart from myself, very few people have ever seen. All the drawings are based on real paintings that exist or have existed in the street, most of them painted illegally.

The first three drawings of this series were created in Beijing in June 2013 using pencil, acrylic and watercolor on paper.

This new series of work was presented to the public for the first time during the Wooster Collective 10th Anniversary Show at the Jonathan Levine Gallery in New York in August of 2013.

To ask about availability and prices of these artworks, please write an email to: artworks@eltono.com

Bridge Park 1

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Dumbo, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
July 31st – August 10th 2013
A project co-produced by Wooster CollectiveJonathan Levine Gallery, and Dumbo Art Festival.
6 m. x 45 m. – 20′ x 145′

In parallel with my participation in the Wooster Collective 10th Anniversary Show at the Jonathan Levine Gallery, I was invited to paint a huge mural on one of the side walls of the BQE in Dumbo, Brooklyn.

Panoramic animation (pass your mouse over the image to move it).

Process pictures:

eltono-bridge-park-1-dumbo-nyc14(Click on the picture to enlarge)

Thanks a lot for the great help from: Mike “Little Kang”, Hope, Matt, Sierra, Mariana, Leila & Brian, Laine, Corina, Russell, Joel & Brad, Theresa, Tara, Mary Kate & Fede, Kym, Kathryn Yerg, and the photographer Daniel Greenfeld.

Walk & Talk 2013

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Walk and Talk Azores, Public Art Festival
Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal
Portos dos Açores, Av. Kopke
July 12th – July 27th 2013


Thanks to everybody from W&T, people from Portos dos Açores and all the artists participating.

Via Imbriani

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Via Matteo Renato Imbriani, Bari, Italy
July 1st – July 9th 2013
Commissioned by Dopplegaenger Gallery for the city of Bari

Thanks to everybody at Dopplegaenger Gallery: Antonella and Michele, Vittorio, Eugenio. The crane operators: Carlo and Giovani. And LUCE for the help!

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Doppelgaenger Gallery
Via Verrone 8, Bari, Italy
June 25th – September 15th 2013

8 Linee attraverso 4 Punti – Randomly generated mural painting – Mural executed for the Fresh Flâneurs show in Doppelgaenger Gallery.

“8 lines made of 4 points” – Following a very simple set of predetermined rules, I painted eight lines; each one of them was made of four points randomly positioned on a defined plane.