Running With Rocks

Moulinage de Chirols, France
July 2024

Engraving experiment with rocks and movement made during the Encrages Art Residency in Chirols, France in July 2024.

Video images by Nelio.
Thanks to Nelio, Laïla, Ben, and everyone at the Moulinage de Chirols.

Modo n.º59

Generative Painting
Meudon Skatepark, France
July 2024

Project commissioned by Hangar Y as part of the “TOUS EN PISTES!” program for the Cultural Olympiad. Project supported by the city of Meudon, La Métropolitaine, in collaboration with the Réseau TRAM and with the support of Les Amis du Hangar Y. Twenty young people participated in the project thanks to the involvement of the Meudon-la-Forêt day camps.

Thanks to the Paris Skate Culture association for the demonstration on the inauguration day and to the municipal employees for the logistics during the project.

Thanks to Pierre-Loup, Martin, Virginie, Jean-Michel Crovesi, Grazia, and the entire Hangar Y team and the municipal team of Meudon.

Varsi Residency

Varsi Art Lab, Rome, Italy
June 2023

During the two-week residency, with the support of 56Fili, I had the opportunity to explore the use of the screen printing technique, disrupting its conventional patterns and employing it as an extension of my artistic and aesthetic research.

The methodology applied to my generative art projects (Modo, Eltonolab, etc.) was consequently implemented in the productions of this residency. In a delicate balance between rules and chance, a new collection of screen-printed works emerged, breaking away from the typical series norms in favor of uniqueness.

I have created three new collections:

  • Strappato, a work of layering screen-printed and torn papers, a series of 8 unique pieces measuring 126 x 77 cm, numbered, mounted on wood, and 2 artist proofs on paper.
  • Otto, a series of 8 unique pieces measuring 100 x 70 cm, numbered, and 8 artist proofs.
  • Magari, a series of 25 unique pieces measuring 70 x 50 cm and 11 artist proofs.

The works are available here:

Strappato :

Otto :

Magari :

Photos: Ornella Mercier (@ornella.mercier)

1, 2, 3, couleurs

Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille, France
October 2023

As part of its actions for inclusion and diversification of its audiences, the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille opened a free space for children aged 0 to 6 in the heart of its atrium in the fall of 2023, in partnership with the art initiation center Mille Formes from Clermont-Ferrand. The idea is to provide young children with their first multisensory artistic experience centered around shapes and colors through contemporary artworks.

Alongside Claude Como, I was invited to present my Espaces Manipulables (Manipulable Spaces) project, which was developed in 2022 in collaboration with the art initiation center Mille Formes. Additionally, I was asked to paint the exterior wall of the exhibition space in the museum’s atrium. I executed the generative painting Modo n.°55 in seven days.

Modo n.°55 generative mural painting:

Espaces Manipulables, installation:

“1, 2, 3 couleurs” is a project conceived and supported by the Mediation and Audience Engagement department of the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille / City of Lille. It received sponsorship from Rigolo Comme La Vie in collaboration with the We Act for Kids Fond’actions, as well as in-kind sponsorship from Unikalo.

Photos: Eltono


Modo n.º52

Generative mural painting
Paris La Défense, France
September 2022

Project commissioned by Art Entreprise for Paris La Défense and QPark.

Intervention inside the elevator’s shaft:

Thanks to Arsène, Ulysse, Elie and Mohamed and his crew.

Espaces Manipulables

Mille Formes Art Center
23 Rue Fontgieve, Clermont-Ferrand, France
April 2022

Mille Formes is an art initiation center for very young public (0 to 6 years old). It was conceived by the city of Clermont-Ferrand in partnership with the Centre Pompidou.

“Espaces Manipulables” (manipulable spaces) is a set of three interactive and immersive installations which goal is to invite the visitors to take part in the evolution of the artworks around them. A creative immersion that goes in contradiction to the sacralisation of the artwork and that, on the contrary, invites the public to touch, move and experiment with the objects forming the art. Thus making the visitor being art of the artwork and able to observe the results and discover the existing interactions between shapes, colors and space.


SET Espai d’Art (at Galería Nueva)
Madrid, Spain
October 2021

For the solo show Desperfectos, I presented three projects: Plotter de paseo (walking plotter), Transportistas (shippers) y Chaparrones (rain showers).

Plotter de Paseo (Walking plotter)

Following my research around the idea of making art while walking, I made a walking plotter that uses gravity and my body’s movements to activate some mechanisms and create drawings from my paths.

Transportistas (shippers)

I built five boxes to ship five artworks from my studio in France to the gallery in Madrid. A box is meant to protect the art, but I painted the art on the outside of it. Instead of protecting, the box helps the deterioration of the art. I imagined this project as a collaboration between the shipping companies and me. I built, painted and handled the boxes with maximum care until the very moment I handed them over to the shipper. At that point I lost control of their condition. I was only able to discover the result when I arrived at the gallery in Madrid.

– T1 and T2 were sent with La Poste (Colissimo),
– T3 was sent with TNT,
– T4 was sent with UPS,
– T5 was sent with DHL.

Chaparrones (Rain showers)

Artworks created for the solo show Sérendipité at the Hangar 107 Art Center in Rouen in July 2021.

Following my researches around the idea of artwork alteration with uncontrolled external factors, I decided to take advantage of the Normandy weather to walk around the art center each time it was raining, protecting myself under an artwork. The colored parallel lines sequence traced with felt pens are defaced by the water drips which make the ink bleed. because the exposition time is the same for each outing, the characteristics of each rain shower can be clearly seen in the result. Big spaced drops, light rain or strong rain shower all leave a different imprint on the ink.

Set Espai d’Art
Galería Nueva

More information: